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Optimizing user onboarding for Nursegrid:
improving new user engagement   



46% of 14000+ support requests from users were for a specific type of issue that consumed a significant amount of the CS team's time to resolve.

I wanted to find out what could be done to address the high volume of support requests.


I presented findings and recommended solutions to Senior Leadership team and various stakeholders.

Research efforts jump-started a new business intiative to reiterate the user onboarding experience.



NurseGrid Mobile App

A mobile/desktop app made for nurses that serves as a schedule tool to help medical professionals manage their demanding work schedules.


UX Researcher


Me, Kristie Focht, and Scott McQuigg


4 weeks

How and why?

I got curious and identified some opportunities.

I had noticed a larger than normal volume in Account Deactivation ticket requests.


I wanted to find out why users were deactivating their accounts and what we could do to address the high volume of support requests.


My goal was to determine what the churn rate was for new NurseGrid users and pain points that may exist for those users. I set out to answer these questions:

How far into their onboarding experience are new users dropping off?

What is the volume of each type of ticket that we receive from users?

Based off of the data, where do users seem to be facing the biggest pain points after activating their account?


Gathering data and context.

I designed a TypeForm survey that was included in support responses so that we could start collecting additional context about why users were leaving and what features they needed.

Screenshot of an account deactivation survey for the NurseGrid mobile app

Putting puzzle pieces together.

With the help of Kristie Focht, I put together monthly funnels that showed the rates at which users were dropping off within different timelines from their account activation.

Screenshot from a presentation, showing active user funnels for the NurseGrid mobile app, from September 2020 to February 2021


66% Average drop-off rate of within first two months for free users.

Worksite Requests were overwhelmingly the highest volume of tickets from users.

Product Support team spent 20 hours/week solely resolving worksite request tickets.


Improve Initial Onboarding Experience

  • Locate worksites via Google Maps API

  • Upon account activation "Join an Existing Worksite" or "Create a New One"

  • Suggest to users to search by medical facility name, not by acronyms or nicknames

  • Manager approvals for managed users or Colleague Invitations from a free user

Improve Worksite Request Process

  • Post-validate provisional worksites

  • Have users include the zip code when requesting a worksite

  • Allow users to customize their personal events like a worksite

Open Functionality for Different Types of Users

  • Travel Nurses

  • Active Military at American Bases

  • Worksites with no Physical Address (start-ups, mobile units, covid-19 vaccine sites)

  • Independent Contractors / In-home Care

What I learned

As someone with primarily qualitative experience, it was great to gain hands-on experience combining the power of qual and quant data to paint a more insightful picture.

If I could re-do this project, I would have conducted more generative research, through a field study or in-depth interviews with nurses in so that I could then...

Develop a user narrative to help paint a better story to help bring empathy and understanding to business stakeholders.

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